Additional Information
Editorial Board
• 2013 - 2013: Current Opinion in Microbiology - Guest Editor for special issue on apicomplexan parasites
• - ongoing: BMC Microbiology - Associate Editor
Invited International Presentations
• 2013: Lisbon, Portugal - Apicomplexan in farm animals (Keynote)
• 2012: Caxambu, Brazil - Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology
• 2011: Harrogate, England, UK - Society for General Microbiology
• 2010: Cardiff, Wales, UK - British Society of Parasitology (BSP Spring), Malaria, Leishmania and Trypanosoma
• 2008: Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA - Molecular Parasitology Meeting
• 2008: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, UK - Invited Speaker, British Society of Parasitology (BSP Spring), Malaria, Leishmania and Trypanosoma Meeting
• 2008: Lorne, Australia - MAM (Molecular Approaches to Malaria)
• 2008: Buzios, Brazil - Toxoplasma Centennial Conference
• 2007: Chico Hot Springs, Montana, USA - 9th International Congress on Toxoplasmosis
• 2007: Heidelberg, Germany - Third Annual BioMalPar Conference: "The Biology and Pathology of the Malaria Parasite"
• 2007: London, England, UK - Invited Speaker, COST Action 857 workshop
• 2006: Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA - Molecular Parasitology Meeting
• 2006: Heidelberg, Germany - Second Annual BioMalPar Conference: "The Biology and Pathology of the Malaria Parasite"
• 2005: Caxambu, Brazil - Invited speaker, Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology
• 2005: Beatenburg, Switzerland - Invited Speaker, COST 857 Action "Apicomplexan parasites in the post-genomic era"
• 2005: Marburg, Germany - Invited Speaker, meeting of the DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Intracellular Lifeforms"
• : Invited Lectures - Universities and Research Institutions in Brazil, USA, France, United Kingdom, South Korea, Australia and Germany
• : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Meeting
Prizes, Awards and Distinctions
• 2012: ERC Starting Grant - Consolidator, Euros 1.7M
• 2009: Scottish University Life Science Association - Award GBP 0.5M
• 2009: Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship - GBP 1.7M
• 2004: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - BioFuture Prize Euros 1.5M
• 2003: Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA - Prize for best presentation at the annual Woods Hole conference on molecular parasitology
• 2003: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) - Award in recognition of Scientific Excellence in Molecular, Cellular and Immunoparasitology
• 2001: German Humboldt Society - Feodor-Lynen-postdoctoral fellowship
• 1997: Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA - DAAD predoctoral Fellowship (German academic exchange program) for Student Exchange Program
Research Fellowship
• 2009 - 2014: Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship
• 2001 - 2001: Feodor-Lynen Fellowship of the German Humboldt Society